Aug 27, 2014

Eating Right

  1. "Let food be thy medicine." Hippocrates

    Do we nowadays think of food as medicine?  Some do, but I would think most do not.  I have always been naturally slender, as a result of my genetics and of having a mother who was very wise about nutrition and fostered healthy eating habits.  It has always been very obvious to me that it is: calories in/calories out.  We will turn into fat food that is eaten in excess, food that is empty calories without much nutrition, and food that is not balanced with the physical activity of burning the calories consumed.  In addition to proper portions and exercise, we who want to be healthy need to focus on what we eat.  Plenty of dark colored vegetables and fruits, plenty of water, small amounts of healthy protein (lean meat or beans), avoid sugar and processed foods.  Simple.  And, we can choose to make it our lifestyle.  

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