Sep 5, 2014

A Good Day

"One thing that distinguishes DLB (Lewy Bodies Dementia) from other forms of dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease, is clear fluctuations in an individual's attention and alertness." Mayo Clinic

Yesterday when I visited my loved one, he was more lucid than he has been in weeks.  It was refreshing to talk to him about our trip to Russia and how destructive Stalin had been during his power.  There were still the intermittent reported hallucinations, but he was much, much more in our reality than usual.  He has so much knowledge of history, it is fun for me to talk to him about it.  I have been reading a book which called the Inquisition, a women's holocaust, and I wanted to know what he thought about that.  He agreed.  I can always trust him, when he is lucid, to give an objective and informed view on something in history.  

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