Sep 2, 2014

What is Sacred

"In the sunlight of awareness, everything becomes sacred." Thich Nhat Hanh

I heard Mark Nepo say recently that the original definition of sacrifice was:  to give up something in order to stay close to what is sacred.   Interesting in that we caregivers give up much.  We give up the role that the person we have loved has in our lives as he or she is no longer able to function within that role.  We give up our freedom to come and go as we wish.  We give up spending money as we might want, such as in traveling, to pay for the extreme cost of medical care.  Perhaps it is helpful to think of those givings-up as a way we come closer to what is sacred.  Being a caregiver is a sacred task, and we can use that task to come even closer to who we always meant to be -- a sacred journey.  

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