Sep 25, 2014

Choosing Love Over Fear

  1. I believe that every single event in life happens as an opportunity to choose love over fear.
    --Oprah Winfrey
Every single event?!  I do think that those who profess that there is only love and fear may be right. Fear is what keeps us from achieving our potential, experiencing the full extent of joy and love, and facing situations that could help us grow.  Fear is powerful in hindering us, BUT it is not as powerful as love.  One quick way to get to love is to think of what you appreciate about a certain life circumstance -- even those difficult situations.  Caregiving, for example, what is there that one can possibly appreciate about caregiving?  For me, deciding to close my psychological practice and take my loved one on the trips he wanted to experience before he died, helped me to reconsider my priorities.  When it became apparent to people who love me that it was time for my loved one to move into assisted living, I can appreciate not only their love and intervention, but also the removal of huge amounts of stress.  What is there in your life about which to be appreciative?

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