Sep 19, 2014


  • "Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the over-coming of it." Helen Keller

  • An interesting observation from someone who had more suffering than many people.  Overcoming years of deprivation from being born both blind and deaf, she became fully functioning with the help of an amazing teacher.  We each have had "teachers" who show up in our lives and help us to become more fully who we were meant to be.  Who have some of your teachers been?  One of mine was a lovely therapist many years ago who taught me many things about courage and living life more fully.  Another was a roommate I had in my first year of college who taught me much about beauty.  My children have both taught me many things about opportunity, finances, and being loving.  I am so grateful for the teachers I have had in my life.  Aren't you?

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