Sep 5, 2009


In my situation, the one to feel discouragement is the one providing the care. I thought if I got all his prescriptions which needed refilling ready to be refilled, he could drive to our local pharmacy and pick them up. But, now I am wrong about that. Yesterday I had to reschedule my entire day because he went to get his prescriptions and came home with none. I still do not understand what went wrong, and, of course, he cannot explain it to me. But this looks like yet another thing I will have to be completely responsible for. I have slipped into discouragement. It seems when I have expectations (he can still do this simple thing if I arrange it for him), and then he is unable to, discouragement for me is likely. I need to change this pattern for myself.

1 comment:

  1. Expectations do set us up for a fall sometimes, don't they? But it is hard to train ourselves and remind ourselves again not to have too many of them. Wishing you peace and love, Friend.
