Oct 1, 2012

Combating Depression

"There are several ways for you to deal with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).  We strongly recommend the triumvirate of:  exercising outside (a brisk walk at least 20 minutes a day), light therapy (go to RealAge.com for different light therapy options -- light boxes, dawn simulators, light visors), and supplemental vitamin D-3." Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen

In each of the hemispheres of earth during the winter period, we experience lack of sunlight.  Sunlight helps us balance serotonin and melatonin, and it helps us sleep better, feel better emotionally, and eat more healthfully.  Vitamin D-3 helps boost mood, supports the immune system and heart health.  Most people are "seriously "D" deprived" during the light-deprived winter months.  The two doctors above recommend taking 1200 IU a day.  Taking Vitamin D-3 is an easy way to support ourselves as we are caregivers for others. 

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