Feb 19, 2013


"In actuality, misery is a moment of suffering allowed to become everything.  If peace comes from seeing the whole, then misery comes from losing perspective.  Which defines our day, the pinch of the bruised toe or the miracle still happening?" Mark Nepo

We all know people who seem to be miserable, while their lives do not seem to represent that degree of misery.  And, we all know people who seem to have so many challenges and trials that one might think they would be miserable, but they are happy, kind and grateful.  What does this tell us?  Perhaps it tells us it is all in the attitude.  We have all heard the example:  If everyone threw their problems in a pile and could choose any problem to take home with them, everyone chooses their own problem back again.  It seems when we are miserable that we are focusing on the small thing in our lives (or, sometimes not so small a thing) that seems to be amiss, and missing the miracle of our lives.  Right now I have a toe with an injured toenail that bothers me all the time.  I can focus on my one toe that is hurting, or I can focus on the rest of my body which is working with marvelous efficiency and harmony.  It is the same thing with exterior problems.  We can focus on the difficult attitude of the person for whom we provide care, or we can focus on the beautiful blue sky, the comfortable shelter we have, the people who love us.  It is our choice.  What do you choose today?

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