"Everything in the universe exists for the good of every other part. The universe is forever uniting what is harmonious and diminishing what is not." Ernest Holmes
This week I watched NOVA on PBS. It was about how satellites are revealing to us some of the things about how our climate works, and how interconnected it is. The dust storms of the Sahara on the African continent are what provide the fertilizer for the Amazon forest on the South American continent. The ice cap at Antarctica creates many of the climate factors on the rest of the globe. Who would have thought that dust blowing in Africa would end up helping the forests of South America flourish?! The program ended with the impact humans are having on this climate interconnectedness -- with more nitrates in the air, more carbon dioxide. I read recently that contained in the breaths we each take are particles which were also breathed by Jesus and the Buddha and Hitler. Fascinating to consider. If we were to have satellites that could tell us how the energy of humans affect the energy of other humans, that might be very revealing too. Just as the dust storms in the Sahara affect another continent, might our thoughts, intentions, and emotions affect our fellow humans too? It is worth considering. Just in case, for our health and the health of others, let us keep our thoughts full of well-being for ourselves and others.
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