Jul 4, 2015

Honoring Our Life Passages

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"Gladly greet each of the changing seasons of your life." Stephen C. Paul

I have two friends, one is 80 and the other 87 -- each mows her own lawn, drives, go to exercise class, attends concerts late at night, entertains -- it is just astonishing.  I know another woman who at 90 exercises regularly and still works in the family business.  They are such wonderful role models -- those women who are still mentally, spiritually and physically vital.  How about you?  Even with caregiving, do you exercise regularly?  Do you eat wisely?  Do you have fun in your life?  Our mental attitudes are also a critical part of our aging.  I have decided my current decade will be my best one ever.  How about you?  Happy Independence Day to one and all.  Let us be free from all tyranny.

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