Jul 8, 2015


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"I have not failed.  I have just found 10,000 ways that don't work." Thomas Edison

We are all familiar with this quote from Edison which he is reported to have said when asked if he was not discouraged by all of the filaments he tried within the light bulb that would not keep the bulb lit.  It is said that Edison simply felt that all the mistaken substances simply put him closer to finding the substance that would work within the light bulb.  We can take heart from this, and we can persevere.  It is said that more than brilliance, more than charisma, more than talent -- perseverance is the key to success.  Let us persevere in this task of caregiving.  Let us be successful, which means that the disease will not kill us too, and that we will support our loved one to live and die in dignity.

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