Jul 26, 2015

Taking Action

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"I prayed for freedom for twenty years, but received no answer until I prayed with my legs." Frederick Douglas

I was talking to a client yesterday about someone saying they were sorry.  I reflected to her that being sorry did not mean much -- what meant something is if the person changes her or his behavior and does not do the transgression again.  We have all heard the expression, "talk is cheap".  This is in reference to how easy it is for some people to say they are sorry and think that takes care of it.  It takes care of it only if the person also changes his or her behavior. It is the action that makes the difference.  I can think I would like people to be more respectful to my loved one, but it is only in insisting on it from others and demonstrating it myself that respect occurs.  In what area of your life are you needing to take action?

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