Oct 1, 2011

Magnify the good

"Educate, enlighten, lift up, positivize, encourage, magnify the good and minimize the bad.  This is the only remedy that will heal the corpus populi." Charles Burton.

Charles Burton was a publisher, and this expressed his belief of his responsibility of what he published in his magazine.  It reflects my beliefs too.  In this blog I want to educate, enlighten, lift up, positivize, and magnify the good and minimize the bad.  Goodness knows we who are caregivers for dementia could magnify the bad; as there is plenty of it.  But, honestly, what good would that do?  I am re-reading "The 36 Hour Day" by Mace and Rabins, as I think it remains the single best resource for dealing with dementia; and I need to update my strategies for dealing with the "bad" -- which includes his inability to be aware of his own cognitive limitations and functioning, his defensiveness, the difficulty communicating.  I update my strategies to deal with the "bad", so that I can focus on the "good":  his cute sense of humor, his efforts to stay functioning, his desire to be a good person.  Together we can do this caregiving, do it well, and become better persons for having done it.

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