Jun 5, 2015


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""Optimism - even though it is just a thought - is neurologically enhancing."
Andrew Newberg, M.D.
We can read other places nowadays of the importance of optimism on our physical and mental health.  When the disease of Lewy Bodies Dementia advanced, I noticed that pessimism also was more pronounced with my loved one -- not about the disease so much, as everything - from the weed eater not working right, to having too many people in the aisle at the grocery store.  I have wondered if pessimism goes hand in hand with some types of dementia.  That focusing on the negative was a difficult part of the disease for me.  

My grandson and I were recently discussing optimism and pessimism.  We were talking about being realistic, while also maintaining a positive attitude.  Now there is evidence that having a positive attitude, - being optimistic - is good for our brains.  

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