Aug 30, 2011


"While the science isn't rock solid, there is evidence that laughter helps boost your immunity," Health Magazine Sept. 2011.

Another good reason to find opportunities to laugh.  I have also read that laughter is good for one's stomach muscles, brain chemistry, and general well being.  Having my sister here recently was a wonderful opportunity to laugh.  We have a similar sense of humor and memories that caused us both to laugh until tears flowed.  I have read that the tears from laughter are chemically different from those of sorrow, and that both are beneficial in helping the body release tension.  So, whether it is with a good friend with a similar sense of humor, or a movie you know makes you laugh, or a comedy act you find funny --- let us find reasons to laugh. I do have one guiding rule with laughter; it is only funny if it is at no one's expense.  We each differ in what we find funny.  What makes you laugh?

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