Aug 2, 2011

We endure

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life:  it goes on."  Robert Frost.

I love Robert Frost's work.  Such wisdom in such simplicity.  Whether we are facing caregiving for someone with dementia or any terminal illness, or some other life challenge -- such as health problems, professional setbacks, difficulties in relationships, financial reversals or uncertainty (and who isn't with the worldwide financial concerns?!), emotional or spiritual confusions, or any other of the myriad challenges that we humans can face, life does go on.  Things that seem undoable, do get done.  Things that we think we cannot live through, we do live through.  Problems that seem unsolvable, either get resolved or we learn to live with them.  Life does go on.  Sometimes even what seems colossally important, in the long run is not that important.  People leave us through death or separation or relocation, and life goes on.  Because life goes on, perhaps it is important for us to determine what is really, I mean really, important to us.  Since nothing is permanent, perhaps we might want to think carefully about where we put our time and energy.  One thing is certain:  we are alive, and while we are alive, life will go on.  Let us put our attention into creating the best life possible. 

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