"In countless ways, we work so hard to get there, only to bypass feeling the deep rewards of inhabiting the space we arrive in." Mark Nepo
Remember a time when you received an honor or there was a celebration on your behalf. Were you able to really enjoy feeling the rewards of the effort that led up to that moment? I think many of us numb ourselves out to fully feeling the gratifications of our efforts. Remember your wedding, or First Communion, or Bar Mitzvah. Did you take time to savor the celebration? And, we don't have to be talking about the big events here. It is perhaps even more important to savor the moment right here, right now. Do you fully taste that sip of tea? Do you fully savor the person in front of you? How about the one in the mirror?
Today take a deep breath several times during the day and savor whatever is going right for you, right now.
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