Mar 2, 2012


"Make your mind vigorous, loving, healthy and positive and your body will respond accordingly." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

I believe the above statement is true.  That is not to cast dispersion on someone with an illness; to include ourselves and the person with dementia for whom we provide care; but I believe (and research supports) that the state of our mind is reflective in the state of our bodies.  When we have an illness, might we want to consider it is wrong thinking, rather than inevitable?   I know my health is better when I remain positive in my thoughts.  With the stress of caregiving and the statistics that say one third of caregivers succumb to a serious illness themselves, it is certainly worth our effort to train our minds to 'vigorous, loving, healthy and positive' thoughts.  It can benefit us in so many ways.  So, how do we train our minds in this way?  Meditation, maintaining unconditional loving thoughts, and remaining cheerful are reliable ways.

"The one basic underlying prinicple of the physical universe is that thoughts become things. " Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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