Apr 3, 2015

Joy Is Our Natural State

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"Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

If that is the case, and Teilhard de Chardin was a very wise man, then joy should be our natural state.  If we are living our lives in connection to the Divine, joy is the byproduct.  Not long suffering, not self flagellation, not censoring the essence of who we are.  Joy.  What if we just allowed ourselves to feel joy.  Looking around at nature, or at those we love, or thinking of the goodness in life --- let us reside in joy.  Research tells us residing in joy is good for the cells of our body, and I believe it is a choice.  We can be focused on joy or we can be focused on fear and sadness.  Helping my loved one eat his lunch yesterday was a time of joy for me.  He kept suggesting that it was my turn to take a bite --- how sweet.  Joy.  We can have it as our focus always.

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